Learners based on SAS procedures ( * denotes SAS Enterprise Miner/EM High Performance procedure)
learner: description (SAS procedure)
- ahal: approximate (faster) highly adaptive LASSO - uses non-parametric representation of data using indicator basis functions, selects LASSO parameter via minimum AICC across models using a range of 100 possible LASSO parameter values (HPGENSELECT)
- ahalb: approximate (faster) highly adaptive LASSO, version 2 - uses non-parametric representation of data using indicator basis functions, selects LASSO parameter via 10-fold cross validation from a range of 100 possible LASSO parameter values (similar to the R function ‘hal’) - warning for binary outcome: does not respect [0,1] probability space (GLMSELECT)
- back: backward selection by AICC (HPGENSELECT)
- *bagging: bootstrap aggregation of regression/classification trees (ARBOR)
- *bayesnet: Bayesian network [binary only] (HPBNET)
- boxcox: Box-Cox transformation of target variables, positively bound continuous Y only (TRANSREG)
- *boost: Gradient boosting of regression/classification trees (ARBOR)
- cvcart: classification/regression tree with cross validated selection of final tree based on cost-complexity (HPSPLIT)
- cart: classification/regression tree, no cross validation (HPSPLIT)
- *deepnn: deep neural net with 5 hidden layers of 50 nodes each (DMDB/NEURAL)
- enet: elastic net - warning for binary outcome: does not respect [0,1] probability space (GLMSELECT)
- gam: generalized additive model with 3 df splines on all continuous variables (GAM)
- gampl: faster generalized additive model with 3 df splines on all continuous variables (GAMPL)
- glm: linear or logistic regression: slower wrappers for logit and linreg (GENMOD/REG)
- hal: highly adaptive LASSO - uses non-parametric representation of data using indicator basis functions, selects LASSO parameter via 10-fold cross validation with exhaustive search - warning for binary outcome: does not respect [0,1] probability space (GLMSELECT)
- hpglm: main term logistic/linear regression with multithreading (HPLOGISTIC/HPREG)
- hplar: least angle regression with multithreading - warning for binary outcome: does not respect [0,1] probability space (HPREG)
- hplogit: main term logistic regression with multithreading (HPLOGISTIC)
- hplinreg: main term linear regression with multithreading (HPREG)
- knn: [bernoulli only] k-nearest neighbors classification (DISCRIM)
- lar: least angle regression - warning for binary outcome: does not respect [0,1] probability space (GLMSELECT)
- lasso: least absolute shrinkage and selection operator with multithreading (HPGENSELECT)
- lassob: LASSO with glmselect [use caution with binary variables] - may be appropriate for older sas versions (GLMSELECT)
- cvlasso: LASSO with cross-validated selection of shrinkage parameter - warning for binary outcome: does not respect [0,1] probability space (GLMSELECT)
- logit: main term logistic regression (GENMOD)
- linreg: main term linear regression (REG)
- mars: multivariate adaptive regression splines (ADAPTIVEREG)
- mean: marginal mean of the prediction variable (GENMOD)
- *nn: single hidden layer neural net with 5 nodes (HPNEURAL)
- *nbayes: naive Bayes (HPBNET)
- bspline: basis spline regression (TRANSREG)
- pbspline: penalized basis spline regression [SINGLE CONTINUOUS PREDICTOR ONLY] (TRANSREG)
- probit: main term probit regression (PROBIT)
- ridge: ridge regression - warning for binary outcome: does not respect [0,1] probability space (REG)
- quantreg: Quantile regression for the median - warning for binary outcome: does not respect [0,1] probability space (QUANTREG)
- rf: random forest (HPFOREST)
- rfoob: random forest, using out of bag predictions and modified selection criteria (HPFOREST)
- *sherwood: random forest, sampling with replacement (ARBOR)
- swise: Stepwise model selection - may be appropriate alternative to lasso for older sas versions (HPGENSELECT)
- *svm: Support vector machine - linear kernel [binary only] (HPSVM)
- *svmrbf: Support vector machine - radial basis function kernel [binary only] (HPSVM)
Also includes multiple learners that are identical to other learners but include all first order interaction terms:
backint, logitint, linregint, lassoint, lassobint, cvlassoint, swiseint, larint, enetint, gamint, gamplint, marsint, probitint, hpglmint, hplarint